Get A Quote

HarmoniMD is provided as Software As A Service (SAAS) so you don’t pay for the software, only for its use based on the volume of your patient visits and the data storage requirements for your hospital or clinic. Additionally, we take into consideration your hospital’s needs to price the system so that it will be revenue positive from the first day of use. Special dispensations are made for DOH, faith-based, and community hospitals in the developing world.

Initial setup, implementation, and training is charged on a cost plus basis so you can keep your costs low by having us train your super-users rather than directly training all staff. This can be accomplished on site, through webinars, or at our California offices. We encourage you to complete initial setup of databases like medications, users, physicians, charge master, and procedures by your staff (under our guidance) to help keep your costs low.

In order to receive a formal quote from us, please provide the following information:

  • The annual number of inpatient admissions.
  • The annual number of outpatient visits (including ER, radiology, lab, and clinic)
  • Your current PACS system (if any.)
  • Your current LIS system (if any.)
  • Your current Pharmacy system (if any.)
  • The number of physicians practicing in your hospital.
  • Your corporate status (for-profit, non-profit, faith-based, government, etc.)
  • If you are seeking HarmoniMD for more than one hospital/clinic.
  • If you have reliable internet connectivity or need a local server.

Tell us the details of your project, and we’ll respond with an accurate quote and timeline for the project.

Need something else?  Contact Us

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